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Computer Systems Nightmares



Firing Policy



We handle ALL of your firing needs.

As you know, MBM Value hires all it's donkeys on an at will basis. Which means we can fire anybody at any time for any reason at all even for no reason at all. That's the MBM Value way of hiring 'n' firing. So we've also provided a service to other companies to get employees fired the fast and easy way. If you're stumped in finding a reason to fire an employee, we can do it all for you. We can dig up all kinds of trash about an employee's background or foreground so you don't have to do any dirty work. Most crooked companies pride themselves in how much hiring and firing they get to do each year and they love it! The crew at MBM Value is well educated in slander and libel and can certainly help your company to get people fired the fast 'n' easy way. We keep loads of personal remarks and reports on employee activities that are work related. If you need quailty legitimate reasons for firing individuals, we can do all that too. We help companies watch employee behavior. We also assign our laborers to hang around an employee who is suspected of past gang activities and improper work behaviors, then we point out all the mistakes your employee makes while working so that you have a huge report to refer to when you decide to fire that employee. We work with you to get your employees canned the safe and affordable way. We try our best each week to make work conditions as uneasy as possible so that your targeted employees are sure to screw up. We can even work with your own queer human resources department to hire more individuals who you can later use to replace the fools that you fire. We help your newly hired employees to slowly and inconspicuously learn their new job without alerting the slob that will soon be fired. Now that the unemployment rates are getting lower and lower, you won't have any compunction in having to can an employee who isn't working out well at your own place of business. We grow tired of seeing slack-jawed rookies acting like they run the show, so we show them the door and get some people to replace them who know how to treat their workplace respectfully. Our firing company has been around since the Nazi germany times and we've been shuffled off to different countries and handed over to different managements over the years. But since the need for getting rid of ignoramuses constantly grows, we'll still be around well into the 25th century.


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